Your website is your company’s most important marketing tool, which means that it needs to be up to date with the latest web design trends. In 2018, web designers are going to start changing many of the age-old design methods that have been in effect for years. If you do not want your website to get left behind, then you need to familiarize yourself with these new trends to give your marketing presence a modern look.
Images and Video
Graphic artists have always been important to any web design project, but in 2018 images and video will take on a new importance. Designers will be used to represent brands instead of creating background images to fortify the look of a website. Where videos and images were once used as enhancements for a company’s look, they will now become the primary representation of the company’s brand.
This means that bold designs that were formerly used only to attract attention to a website will now become the site’s primary form of representation. The abstract images and videos that generally get so much traffic will now start to represent the company’s public image.
Abandoning Straight Line Design
Since the day web design was created, any professional design was based on grids and tables. Large images were broken down into segments of a table to make them load faster, and navigational menus were always done in straight lines. In 2018, chaos will start to take over as straight line designs are going to become passe.
There are already a small number of websites that are not based on any grid or table pattern, and those sites tend to look a bit chaotic. But after doing some market research, web designers are realizing that people like chaos. Look for professional websites to get away from straight line design and move into much more creative areas in 2018.
More Prominent Promotional Animations and Graphics
The age-old design adage for websites used to be that advertising and promotional materials had to take a backseat to “real” content. But in recent years, digital marketing experts have been offering something called native advertising as an alternative. With native advertising, advertisements read and look like standard website content, and website users seem to love the idea.
The gradual success of native advertising has allowed marketing experts to suggest that bold promotional images and animations no longer be hidden in the shadows. In 2018, you will start to see websites become much more bold with how they present their marketing images, and that includes putting these marketing images and animations on the front page of the website with the “real” content.
Crowding the White Space
It seems like 2018 will be the year that many of the old advertising methods will be put aside for new ideas. The idea of leaving white space in a print ad was so popular that it became one of the web design trends that no one thought would ever be changed. After some experimentation that resulted in positive feedback from users, it looks like white space is on the way out.
This idea started with simple designs such as page headers with clutter but then eventually progressed to entire websites slathered in designs and color schemes. As long as the essential content remains easy to separate from the background noise, it seems as though web visitors prefer the dynamic look of excess design over the organized feel of white space.
The internet continually represents the very latest in technology and design. That is why you do not want your website to look dated. In 2018, it is time to hire a progressive digital marketing company that can bring your website up to date with the latest web design trends.